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2 hours ago by h2odragon

> “He was about as uninterested in the actual paintings as you could possibly be,” says Kowalski. “For him, it was the journey — he wanted to teach people. The paintings were just a means to do that.”

I'm actually impressed that they haven't cashed out on those paintings they hold; wonder how long they'll be able to hold on to cherishing memories before "maximizing profits" displaces them, and crushes any feeling of goodwill the public has towards the custodians of his legacy.

2 hours ago by peterpost2

Bob ross namebrand paint and other materials are already kinda overpriced.

29 minutes ago by kristofferR

Great little New York Times mini documentary (10 minutes) about Bob Ross Inc.:


4 hours ago by timonoko

Introducing "Bob Ross - arc": Almost everytime the painting is momentarily an impressionist masterpiece and then he fucks it up with happy wheelbarrows and Rococo-style detailing.

2 hours ago by didgeoridoo

The sweet spot is usually about a third of the way through, when he’s done blocking out the composition and has begun to lay in some good light and shadows. I’d buy a 1/3 Bob Ross non-ironically.

an hour ago by seumars

That would be the stage right before the RUINED comments start rolling in.

an hour ago by canadianfella

Why did you say non-ironically?

an hour ago by criddell

It's not a Bob Ross painting until it has happy wheelbarrows and friendly trees.

29 minutes ago by damontal

So odd. I watched a preview of Painting with John on HBO and he mentioned Ross. Said Ross was wrong. Everyone can’t actually paint.

Then I wondered if Ross paintings were on the market. Then this thread appears.

22 minutes ago by thordenmark

Everyone can paint. Not necessarily well.

16 minutes ago by moksly

It’s a nice catchphrase to generate attention for your hbo-series that is now teaching everyone to paint though.

a few seconds ago by havernator

I’d assumed Painting with John was as much about painting as Fishing with John was about fishing. Is he actually, seriously trying to teach people to paint?

an hour ago by nidgood

DeBeers model of scarcity basically.

an hour ago by economusty

Except the quantity of bob Ross paintings is quantifiable and finite. We will literally be mining diamonds forever.

3 minutes ago by riffic

and manufacturing

43 minutes ago by vxNsr

Interesting that there’s no discussion of forgeries? I feel like with Bob Ross paintings they’re the perfect target for forgeries. No one knows how many real paintings exist, anyone can copy them by just watching a video and as long as you practice the signature a bit yours is indistinguishable from the original.

7 minutes ago by amelius

There is a program where anyone can become a certified Bob Ross instructor [0]. So I suppose forgery might be just around the corner.

[0] https://experience.bobross.com/cri-classes/

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